Certificat de Performance EnergetiqueEnergy Pass

EnergyConsult provides the energy pass for all types of buildings.
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Guide to Improving Energy Efficiency

EnergyConsult News

myenergy days 2014
(EN) Find out how we can support your project - competent and reliable. (DE) Wir zeigen Ihnen gerne, wie wir Ihr Projekt unterstützen können - kompetent und zuverlässig. (FR) Laissez-nous vous montrer comment nous pouvons soutenir votre projet - compétent et fiable.

Luxembourg - truly good
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Energy Pass
for entire building based
on measured energy
consumption for heat
and electricity


Energy Pass
for residential part
of the building based
on calculated energy need
for heating and hot water

Energy Pass

Mixed Use Buildings

Buildings are classified as mixed-use when they are used for both non-residential purposes (e.g. retail space, offices, restaurants, etc.) and for residential purpose, with the surface area of the residential portion being less than 90% of the total.

When is the Energy Pass necessary?

New Building Projects    Obligatory since 1 January 2011
Sale and/or rental        Obligatory since 1 June 2011

How is the Energy Pass established?

For new construction projects the Energy Pass will be issued for the building as a whole according to the procedure for non-residential buildings, i.e. it will be based on the calculated energy need for heat and electricity. For the residential part of the building a second Energy Pass is issued based on the calculated energy need for heating and hot water only; this allows for a comparison with pure residential buildings.

For existing buildings also two energy performance certificates are required. An Energy Pass for the building as a whole is required based on the measured energy consumption for heat and electricity. In addition, for the residential portion of the building a separate Energy Pass is required based on the calculated need for heating and hot water.


The cost of establishing the Energy Pass and the accompanying documents and certification is based on the size and complexity of the building. Contact us for a non-binding quote.

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