Certificat de Performance EnergetiqueEnergy Pass

EnergyConsult provides the energy pass for all types of buildings.
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Guide to Improving Energy Efficiency

EnergyConsult News

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(EN) Find out how we can support your project - competent and reliable. (DE) Wir zeigen Ihnen gerne, wie wir Ihr Projekt unterstützen können - kompetent und zuverlässig. (FR) Laissez-nous vous montrer comment nous pouvons soutenir votre projet - compétent et fiable.

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Energy Pass
for non-residential buildings
based on calculated energy
need for heat and electricity

Energy Pass

New non-residential buildings

When is the Energy Pass required?

Since 1 January 2011, the Energy Pass has been obligatory for new builds and/or extensions of existing buildings.
The Energy Pass is an integral part of the building permit review and evaluates the expected energy need for heat and electricity through

  • Certification of primary energy efficiency
  • Certification of heating energy need (thermal insulation class)
  • Conformance to minimum standards for all components
  • Certification of solar protection in summer

Four years after the completion of the construction, the Energy Pass for the new build will be replaced by an Energy Pass based on the measured consumption for heat and electricity. After that, the Energy Pass must be updated every three years.

How is the Energy Pass established?

The Energy Pass for a new build is based on the calculated need for heat and electricity.
This takes into account

  • Size and compactness of the building
  • Types of use (office, restaurant, school…)
  • Thermal insulation (materials, quality of components)
  • Detailed calculation of thermal bridges  (for passive houses AAA)
  • Solar architecture and solar protection during summer
  • Technical installations (energy source, controls )
  • Energy need for heating system and warm water
  • Energy need for ventilation, air-conditioning and lighting


The cost of establishing the Energy Pass and the accompanying documents and certifications is based on the size and complexity of the building project. Contact us for a non-binding quote.

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