Certificat de Performance EnergetiqueEnergy Pass

EnergyConsult provides the energy pass for all types of buildings.
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Guide to Improving Energy Efficiency

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Energy Pass
for existing non-residential
buildings based on
measured consumption
for heat and electricity

Energy Pass

Existing non-residential buildings

When is the Energy Pass required?

Since 1 June 2011 the Energy Pass is required for the sale and/or rental of non-residential buildings. The Energy Pass must be established at the latest by the time the notarized act is signed and presented to the new owner or tenant.

For Public Buildings the Energy Pass has been obligatory since 1 January 2011 and must be publically displayed.

The Energy Pass states among others

  • Energy consumption index  for heat
  • Energy consumption index for electricity
  • Measured energy use over a minimum of three years
  • Type(s) of use of the building and technical installations
  • Detailed evaluation of thermal insulation and technical installations
  • Suggestions for improving energy efficiency

The establishment of the Energy Pass is the responsibility of the owner (seller or landlord). For larger buildings the owners' association will coordinate and commission the establishment of the Energy Pass.

The certificate must be reissued every three years based on more recent energy consumption. If the energy consumption index is more that 140% above the reference value, specific measures for improving energy efficiency will have to be developed in significant detail.

How is the Energy Pass established?

The Energy Pass is based on the measured energy consumption for heat and electricity.

This takes into account

  • Size of the Building
  • Type(s) of use of the building
  • Energy consumption for heating and hot water
  • Energy consumption for ventilation, air-conditioning and lighting

The data is derived from the utility bills for heat and electricity, as well as a detailed on-site assessment of the building supported by building plans (if available). Summarizing the evaluations of consumption, thermal insulation and technical installations, specific suggestions for improving energy efficiency are made.


The cost of establishing the Energy Pass is based on the size and complexity of the building. Contact us for a non-binding quote.

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